Discours rapporté : ordres, demandes et suggestions

Rapporter un ordre ou une demande

Pour rapporter un ordre ou une demande, on peut utiliser le verbe 'tell' avec un verbe à l'infinitif: He told me to go away. Le schéma est verbe + complément d'objet indirect + verbe à l'infinitif. Le complément d'objet indirect est l'interlocuteur. Les autres verbes utilisés de cette manière pour rapporter des ordres et des demandes comprennent : command, order, warn, ask, advise, invite, beg, teach, & forbid.

Discours direct Discours rapporté
The doctor said to me, "Stop smoking!". The doctor told me to stop smoking.
"Get out of the car!" said the policeman. The policeman ordered him to get out of the car.
"Could you please be quiet," she said. She asked me to be quiet.
The man with the gun said to us, "Don't move!" The man with the gun warned us not to move.
Les demandes avec complément d’objet

Les demandes avec complément d’objet sont rapportées en utilisant le schéma ask + for + complément d'objet

Discours direct Discours rapporté
"Can I have an apple?", she asked. She asked for an apple.
"Can I have the newspaper, please?" He asked for the newspaper.
"May I have a glass of water?" he said. He asked for a glass of water.
"Sugar, please." She asked for the sugar.
"Could I have three kilos of onions?" He asked for three kilos of onions.

Les suggestions

Les suggestions sont les plus souvent rapportés avec les verbes: suggest, insist, recommend, demand, request, et propose suivis d'une proposition introduite par 'that'. 'That' et 'should' sont facultatifs dans ces propositions, comme dans les 2 premiers exemples ci-dessous. Notez que suggest, recommend, et propose peuvent également être suivis d'un gérondif pour éliminer l'interlocuteur et ainsi faire une suggestion plus polie. Cet usage du gérondif est illustré dans les exemples 4 et 5 ci-dessous.

Discours direct Discours rapporté
She said, "Why don't you get a mechanic to look at the car?" She suggested that I should get a mechanic to look at the car. OU
She suggested I should get a mechanic to look at the car. OU
She suggested that I get a mechanic to look at the car. OU
She suggested I get a mechanic to look at the car.
"Why don't you go to the doctor?" he said. He suggested I go to the doctor. OU
He suggested that I go to the doctor. OU
He suggested I should go to the doctor. OU
He suggested that I should go to the doctor.
"It would be a good idea to see the dentist", said my mother. My mother suggested I see the dentist.
The dentist said, "I think you should use a different toothbrush". The dentist recommended using a different toothbrush.
You said, "I don't think you have time to see the dentist this week." You suggested postponing my visit to the dentist.
My manager said, "I think we should examine the budget carefully at this meeting." My manager proposed that we examine the budget carefully at the meeting.
"Why don't you sleep overnight at my house?" she said. She suggested that I sleep overnight at her house.